SEOSLY – SEO done right

Hi, I’m Olga Zarr. I’m a professional SEO consultant with over a decade of experience. SEO isn’t just my career—it’s also my biggest passion and hobby.

I provide high-level SEO services, such as SEO auditing, SEO consultations, SEO monthly services, and SEO mentorship.

What makes me stand out as an SEO consultant is that SEO is my absolute passion and love (in addition to being my job).

I take a holistic approach to SEO. I only work with select clients who share a similar approach and understand the goal of SEO and its importance.

SEOSLY is an SEO blog that provides tons of invaluable free in-depth tutorials, guides, and articles about SEO based on my experience as an SEO consultant.

I’ve been in the SEO industry for 12+ years. I have experience working as an in-house SEO, at the SEO agency, as an SEO freelancer, as the director of SEO, and as an SEO consultant.

I’ve worked both with some of the biggest brands in the world and small local businesses. I have experience working with affiliate websites and lawyer SEO.

I specialize in performing advanced in-depth SEO audits and helping business create (& execute) successful SEO strategies.

My love for SEO very is deep, and my hunger for SEO is knowledge insatiable.

Olga Zarr, founder & CEO of SEOSLY

Brands I’ve Done SEO With/For

SEO Services I Offer

Check the full scope of SEO services I offer, including monthly SEO, SEO auditing, SEO consultations, lawyer SEO, on-page SEO, local SEO, JavaScript SEO, and more. If you are not sure what you need, simply contact me.

Below you will learn more about the four main types of SEO services I offer.

SEO Auditing

The SEO audits I perform examine 200+ SEO elements and provide as many details and explanations on each element as possible.

You can expect to get the best quality professional SEO audit that will provide the exact guidance on what next steps should be implemented, what their priority is, and what you – as a website owner – should do exactly.

SEO Consultations

I offer strategic SEO consultations to businesses or individuals who want to improve their search engine rankings.

I will help you identify what needs to be done for your site to get better rankings and provide the right tools and strategies to achieve this goal.

I also help solve particular SEO issues that need further investigation.

SEO Monthly Service

I also provide professional monthly SEO services. I am not an SEO agency, so my clients work directly with me and my business partner, who has 15+ years of experience in SEO.

I have a holistic and individual approach to every client. I only take on clients who understand the value of SEO and are willing to make an effort to help me help them become successful on Google.

SEO Mentorship

Do you want to become an SEO but don’t know where to start?

Have you just started your SEO journey and are unsure what your next steps should be? Do you need advice from a more experienced SEO?

You can hire me as your SEO mentor. I will walk you through the SEO world and help you find your unique path.

Check the full scope of SEO services I offer, including monthly SEO, SEO auditing, SEO consultations, lawyer SEO, on-page SEO, local SEO, and more. If you are not sure what you need, simply contact me.

Other SEO Projects

Below are five ways I can share my SEO knowledge and experience with the world. I invite you to check them all and become my follower.

SEO Newsletter

I send a weekly SEO newsletter with the latest SEO news, tips, articles, resources, and more.

My subscriber list currently has 8K+ engaged subscribers (SEO professionals and folks learning SEO).

I invite you to subscribe to my SEO newsletter or become one of its sponsors.

My newsletter subscribers also get a lot of free SEO gifts like free templates.

SEO YouTube Channel

I also have a relatively new SEO YouTube channel where I share my knowledge and experience.

My goal with this channel is to let you use my 10+ years of experience to avoid making serious – and often costly – mistakes.

I create short videos with quick tips and deep dives where I show, for example, how I perform SEO audits. I also interview the greatest SEO minds in the industry.

SEO Podcast By #SEOSLY

In 2022, I launched an SEO podcastSEO Podcast by #SEOSLY.

This podcast is a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about SEO or staying up-to-date with industry news.

I publish 1-3 episodes per week, depending on how busy I am:

  • The Monday/Tuesday episode contains a recap of the latest SEO news.
  • The Tuesday/Wednesday episode is a weekly interview with an SEO expert.
  • The Thursday/Friday episode covers one specific SEO topic and shares my thoughts.

Make sure to subscribe to my SEO podcast. Thank you!

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SEOSLY & Olga Zarr Sponsors

I cooperate with various SEO tool vendors who sponsor my SEO podcast, YouTube channels, and SEO newsletters. If you want me to help you promote your SEO tool, check my sponsorship opportunities. Note that I only promote the tools I actively use and love.

Follow Olga & SEOSLY

Will you join me in spreading the SEO word even further? I would love to connect with you.

Thank you!

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